Payments 1.0.0
QR Payments API will be used to generate QR and QR Payments. You can generate and decode / read QR code graphics with our QR code generator. Also You can use our Pay Through QR API for QR Payments.
QR Generate 1.0.0
GET /QRGenerate
Pay Through QR 1.0.0
Bill Enquiry 1.0.0
GET /BillEnquiry
Bill Payment Account 1.0.0
GET /BillPaymentAccount
Bill Payment Credit Card 1.0.0
GET /BillPaymentCreditCard
Default Planlock_open
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour
100 per hour